Company Culture: A Weekend of Learning and Connection: Greystone Partners Joins ASAPP Financial Technology for an Unforgettable Retreat

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Culture and Leadership
Goulash River

This past weekend, Mikaela Solomon and I, representing Greystone Partners, had the pleasure of joining our client, ASAPP Financial Technology, for a company retreat in the serene setting of Goulais River. As the Founder and Managing Partner of Greystone Partners, this experience was particularly valuable for me, offering insights into the profound impact of company culture and the power of team bonding. What was initially planned as a weekend getaway turned into a deeply enriching experience that reinforced the importance of nurturing relationships within a team.

Arrival and Initial Impressions

Our journey began with a quick one-hour plane ride on Wednesday night, allowing us to settle in and prepare for the retreat ahead. Mikaela and I were eager to reconnect with the ASAPP team and participate in what promised to be a weekend filled with learning, bonding, and fun. We didn’t just arrive as guests—we came early to help set up the event. This decision was a deliberate one, rooted in Greystone Partners’ core value of going above and beyond in everything we do. By being there early, we could contribute to the preparations and ensure that the event would be as smooth and enjoyable as possible for everyone involved.

Helping with the setup gave us a unique opportunity to see the behind-the-scenes efforts that go into organizing such a large-scale event. It was a testament to the dedication of ASAPP’s leadership team, particularly JR Pierman and Nadia Muzychyshyn, who were deeply involved in every detail. A significant amount of the event’s success was due to the meticulous planning and coordination by Debbie Park, who once again delivered a blockbuster event. From the logistical details to ensuring that everyone was comfortable and taken care of, Debbie’s efforts were truly commendable. It’s clear that her organizational skills and attention to detail are a big part of what makes ASAPP’s events so successful.

Additionally, I must extend my appreciation to Deepti Sharma, Chayton Allen, and Tony Dunham, who played crucial roles in organizing and managing the trip from Toronto. Their efforts ensured that the entire team could focus on enjoying the retreat without worrying about the practicalities of travel. Their seamless coordination was a testament to their dedication and commitment to making the event a success.

Setting the Scene: A Journey to Remember

The formal part of the retreat began with the arrival of the rest of the ASAPP team, who embarked on an eight-hour bus ride from Toronto to Sault Ste. Marie. This long journey was an experience in itself, providing the team with ample time to bond and build anticipation for the weekend ahead. The shared experience of the bus ride laid the foundation for the camaraderie that would define the entire retreat.

Upon their arrival, we all gathered for a wonderful dinner at Giovanni’s Restaurant, a local favorite known for its warm atmosphere and delicious Italian cuisine. The dinner was more than just a meal—it was the first opportunity for the entire group to come together and start forming deeper connections. As I observed the interactions between the ASAPP team members, I was struck by the sense of community that was already present. This was a group of people who not only worked together but also genuinely enjoyed each other’s company. It was clear that this was a direct result of the inclusive and supportive culture that JR and his leadership team have worked hard to cultivate.

A Warm Welcome in Goulais River

The next morning, after a good night’s rest, we made our way to JR’s stunning lakeside property in Goulais River. The setting was nothing short of breathtaking—a beautiful home situated right by the water, surrounded by nature, offering a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The peaceful environment immediately set the tone for the rest of the weekend, providing a space where everyone could relax, recharge, and connect on a deeper level.

As we arrived, JR and Nadia greeted us warmly, their excitement about the weekend clearly evident. The day was packed with activities that catered to all interests—boating on the lake, engaging in outdoor games, and, later in the evening, gathering around a bonfire for stories and laughter. Despite a bit of rain, the mood remained high, with everyone embracing the cozy, intimate atmosphere that the weather helped create.

One of the highlights of the evening was a flip-cup competition that Mikaela and I had the pleasure of leading. It was a lively event, filled with laughter and friendly competition. As I watched the ASAPP team come together for this fun and lighthearted game, I couldn’t help but notice how natural and effortless their interactions were. There was no sense of hierarchy or formality—just a group of people who were genuinely enjoying each other’s company. This, I realized, is the hallmark of a strong company culture: the ability to blend work and play seamlessly, creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable being themselves.

Lessons in Leadership: Going Above and Beyond

Throughout the weekend, I found myself reflecting on the leadership style that JR and his team exemplified. It was clear that they didn’t view this retreat as just another corporate event, but as a genuine opportunity to connect with their team on a deeper level. JR’s approach to leadership was particularly inspiring. He didn’t just lead from the front—he was fully engaged in every activity, sharing stories, participating in games, and making sure that everyone felt included and valued.

This level of engagement from a leader sends a powerful message to the team: that they are not just employees, but an integral part of the company’s success. At Greystone Partners, we’ve always believed in the importance of going above and beyond, and seeing this philosophy in action at ASAPP only reinforced that belief. When leaders are willing to invest time, energy, and resources into their team’s well-being, it creates a sense of loyalty and commitment that is invaluable.

The ASAPP team’s interactions throughout the retreat were a testament to the trust and respect that had been built over time. This wasn’t just a group of colleagues—it was a community of people who cared deeply about each other’s success and well-being. This kind of culture doesn’t happen by accident; it’s the result of consistent, intentional efforts by leadership to create an environment where people feel valued and supported.

The Power of Team Bonding

One of the most significant takeaways from the retreat was the importance of team bonding. In the fast-paced world of work, it’s easy to focus solely on tasks and objectives, often overlooking the value of taking time to connect with colleagues on a personal level. However, this retreat was a powerful reminder that these connections are not just beneficial—they are essential to building a strong, cohesive team.

Throughout the weekend, I observed how the ASAPP team members supported each other, whether it was helping to set up for activities, sharing laughs around the bonfire, or simply enjoying each other’s company. These moments of connection, while seemingly small, had a big impact on the overall team dynamic. They created a sense of unity and shared purpose that is difficult to achieve through work alone.

Team bonding activities like those we participated in during the retreat are more than just fun—they are critical to building trust and collaboration within a team. When people have the chance to connect outside of the typical work environment, they can let their guard down, share more about themselves, and build relationships that go beyond the surface level. These relationships, in turn, lead to better communication, increased collaboration, and a stronger sense of team identity.

At Greystone Partners, we’ve always prioritized creating opportunities for our team to bond, whether through team outings, shared projects, or simply taking the time to check in with each other regularly. This retreat reinforced the importance of these efforts and provided new ideas for how we can continue to foster a strong sense of community within our own team.

Reflections and Future Plans

As the weekend drew to a close and we prepared for the eight-hour bus ride back to Toronto, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the experience. Not only did I learn valuable lessons about leadership and team building, but I also had the opportunity to witness firsthand the incredible culture that ASAPP Financial Technology has cultivated. It’s no surprise that they are a successful company—when you have a team that is this engaged, motivated, and connected, success is almost inevitable.

Back at Greystone Partners, we’re already thinking about how we can incorporate some of the lessons we learned during the retreat into our own company culture. We’re planning more team bonding activities, exploring new ways to recognize and reward our team members, and looking for opportunities to go above and beyond in showing our appreciation for their hard work.

One of the key takeaways for me personally was the importance of leading by example. As a leader, it’s not enough to set expectations and hope that your team meets them—you need to be actively involved in creating the kind of environment where those expectations can be met. This means being present, being engaged, and being willing to invest in your team’s success on every level.

Another important lesson was the value of making time for fun and relaxation. In the fast-paced world of recruitment, it’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the job and forget to take a step back and recharge. However, this retreat was a reminder that taking time to relax and enjoy each other’s company is not just beneficial—it’s necessary. When we make time for these kinds of experiences, we return to work more energized, more focused, and more committed to our shared goals.

Final Thoughts

The retreat with ASAPP Financial Technology was a powerful reminder of why company culture matters so much. It’s not just about creating a pleasant work environment—it’s about building a community where people feel valued, supported, and connected. When leaders go above and beyond to create this kind of culture, the benefits are clear: increased retention, higher morale, and a team that is truly invested in the company’s success.

As we move forward at Greystone Partners, we’re committed to applying the lessons we learned during this retreat to continue building a strong, cohesive, and motivated team. We’re grateful to JR Pierman and the entire ASAPP team for including us in this unforgettable experience, and we look forward to many more opportunities to connect, learn, and grow together in the future.

In conclusion, the memories we made during this weekend will indeed last a lifetime, and the insights gained will shape how we approach our work and relationships at Greystone Partners for years to come. Here’s to the power of connection, the importance of culture, and the value of investing in our teams—lessons that will guide us as we continue to build

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Greystone Partners

Toronto, Ontario

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